Girl with a Pearl Nosering

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Scottish Vices

I have never eaten so much in my life (except for that time at Lake Macquarie where I put on nearly four kilos in four days..). But "this is the second time I have eaten a lot in my life" does not have quite the same ring to it.

The first day I was with Anne and John, I was recovering from a london hot chip diet. They took my enthusiasm for the first dinner as an indicator of my usual appetite, and adjusted my menu accordingly. Roast dinners, chocolates on tap, fried food, fresh butter, a ginormous cheese platter, and delicious strawberries with icecream. I know that for at least two of the days I had four meals a day.

Emerging for breakfast I would do my usual traveller's thing where you eat a lot of food before you go out, so you can go sightseeing for the whole morning without stopping. So I would have cereal, toast with butter, fruit, and orange juice. Then I would retire for my shower. Washed and polished I would appear at the bottom of the stairs to go out, only to be greeted by John; with some sort of delicious fried object in a bread roll. I couldn't rightly say no could I (and didnt want to either)? And I suppose I could have skipped lunch to make up for it, but my stomach likes to maintain its schedule whether its been fed recently (abundantly) or not. Dinner was always fantastic, and afterwards I would be presented with one (or both) of the two things I have the most trouble resisiting. Cheese and chocolate.

Then the night I went out with the Katherine clan I experienced a different kind of abundance. The photo says it all (please note the way I am holding onto the bar for dear life). And what the photo doesn't say I don't know if I should repeat.


  • All I can say at this point in time Maddy is... oh dear. You're not looking so crash hot... hehe it really does look like u are holding onto the bar for dear life =). Is the guy next to you a cousin or uncle?... he does look like a Craig family member.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:11 AM  

  • yup, that's my cousin Colin to the left giving the thumbs up. You can also see Pauline behind Maddy with two random lads. =)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:15 AM  

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